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AI/ Machine Learning


AI/ Machine Learning

We at Bravezone Softech Pvt. Ltd convert your AI Vision into a reality by applying our intelligence and experience in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. We build AI products ranging from consulting to development, user training and maintenance. We have an experienced team of Data Scientists, AI analysts, Designers, Full-stack developers and Software Architects.

Our AI app development services for the startups and enterprises are tailored to take their business to a whole new level. We use deep learning, natural language process, machine learning, and other technologies of AI to meet the ever-growing demand of AI-powered mobile apps.

Deep Learning

Recognition of speech, sounds, and images comes naturally to the human brain. Machines can replicate the neural system of the brain with the aid of massive computational power and advanced algorithms. Multi-layered artificial neural networks can learn patterns from millions of images and sound samples they are trained on. Deep learning enables machines to understand spoken words in real time, recognize and describe images, play games, and even diagnose diseases. In some tasks, they even outperform humans. We work on deep learning frameworks to build business applications that can supplement human faculties.

Smart Solutions

AI/ Machine Learning Platforms


  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure Cognitive Services
  • Language Understanding Intelligent Service
  • Chatbot Framework

Google Cloud

  • Cloud Machine Learning Engine
  • Cloud Vision API
  • Cloud Natural Language
  • Cloud Speech API DialogFlow

Machine Learning Platforms

  • Amazon Machine Learning
  • Amazon Recognition Amazon Lex
  • Amazon Polly

AI/ Machine Learning Expertise

Our expertise spans the entire machine learning ecosystem.

Frameworks/Libraries Data Mining Tools Cloud Platforms Datasets
TensorFlow R Azure Machine Learning ImageNet
PyTorch WEKA AWS Machine Learning Common Crawl
Keras RapidMiner AWS SageMaker PASCAL VOC
Scikit-learn Google Cloud AI COCO
Tesseract CIFAR